Sheet Metal Fabrication & Contract Manufacturing Company located in Northern California

Collaboration and Communication: How TRIMAP International Builds Strong Partnerships with Clients in Contract Manufacturing

TriMap Capabilities

TRIMAP International, a contract manufacturer based in Asia and with offices in Europe, provides contract manufacturing services to clients across the globe. They offer a wide variety of products and services, including production management, quality control and packaging. TRIMAP’s staff uses online tools such as MSN Messenger or Skype to stay connected with their clients […]

Exploring TRIMAP International’s State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Facilities

TRIMAP International’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities located in Stockton, CA. TRIMAP International is a leading manufacturer of high performance automotive parts and accessories with over 1000 employees worldwide. The company was founded in 1990 by Mr. John Trimper who continues to serve as its CEO today. With over 25 years’ experience in the industry, TRIMAP has […]